Sweet Home

The weekend brought a time change! We’re new just 10 hours apart from you guys in Europe! Which is a good thing, thinking of all these hours we’ll have to overcome again on our flight back (two less now!).

THANK YOU girls and boys of class 3 at Rudolf Steiner School Salzburg for sending us this lovely Easter parcel with all your letters, the tea and the chocolate, Anna was amazed and is very much looking forward to coming home!

DANKE an alle Mädchen und Burschen der dritten Klasse der Rudolf Steiner Schule Salzburg! Anna hat sich sehr über eure Briefe, den Tee und die Schokolade befreut und kann es gar nicht mehr erwarten, nach Hause zu kommen :)


Anna and Poppy just before leaving for school.


Verena has learned a lot about letters at school, her latest affection comes for the “R” (which is a curious thing once you know this one hasn’t always been the easiest for her).



Donations in form of Darbo Preiselbeer Kompott are greatly appreciated ;)